Altcoin Mining Pool K1POOL.COM (AltPool)

Total Miners Online: 21744
Quai Network (QUAI) pool has been added
New Quai Network (QUAI) Pool is online (Progpow algo)! PPLNS pool is available. QUAI blocks will be matured and paid after 2 weeks due of Quai Network lockup mechanism.
iPollo V1 Series firmware!
New iPollo V1-145.165 firmware is online. Supports OCTA coin mining!
BOMBAX MINER EZ100 series firmware!
New Bombax firmware is online. Supports ZTH coin mining!
Coin Pool Algorithm Pool Hashrate Miners Difficulty Coin Price Actions
Ethereum Classic (ETC) Ethereum Classic  + Etchash 41.39 TH/s 3864 3.97 P $21.33 (+5.23%)  How To Start
EthereumPoW (ETHW) EthereumPoW  + Ethash 7.21 TH/s 1350 350.39 T $1.9 (-4.38%)  How To Start
OctaSpace (OCTA) OctaSpace  + Ethash 3.76 TH/s 1120 73.58 T $0.59 (+3.63%)  How To Start
Zether (ZTH) Zether  + Ethash 704.44 GH/s 362 14.53 T $ 0.4612 (+0.00%)  How To Start
Bitnet Money (BTN) Bitnet Money  + Ethash 192.5 GH/s 75 7.3 T $0.075 (+1.65%)  How To Start
Larissa (LRS) Larissa  + Ethash 145.34 GH/s 84 4.96 T $0.017 (-1.54%)  How To Start
Zilliqa (ZIL) Zilliqa Ethash 35.2 TH/s 4269 1 P $0.015 (+2.73%)  How To Start
Kaspa (KAS) Kaspa kHeavyHash 42.88 PH/s 3553 1.02 E $0.107 (+4.91%)  How To Start
Sedra (SDR) Sedra kHeavyHash 1.31 PH/s 512 3.22 P $ 0.466 (-1.48%)  How To Start
Bugna (BGA) Bugna kHeavyHash 237.94 TH/s 195 536.2 T $ 0.5287 (+0.00%)  How To Start
Alephium (ALPH) Alephium Blake3 1.52 PH/s 485 2.72 P $0.68 (+16.44%)  How To Start
Radiant (RXD) Radiant Sha512256D 140.43 TH/s 193 192.99 M $0.000361 (-5.63%)  How To Start
Nexa (NEXA) Nexa NexaPow 13.71 GH/s 38 152.67 K $ 0.5114 (-1.47%)  How To Start
Coin Pool Algorithm Pool Hashrate Miners Difficulty Coin Price Actions
Ethereum Classic SOLO (ETC) Ethereum Classic SOLO  + Etchash 697.99 GH/s 78 3.97 P $21.33 (+5.23%)  How To Start
EthereumPoW SOLO (ETHW) EthereumPoW SOLO  + Ethash 491.79 GH/s 48 350.39 T $1.9 (-4.38%)  How To Start
OctaSpace SOLO (OCTA) OctaSpace SOLO  + Ethash 232.94 GH/s 57 73.58 T $0.59 (+3.63%)  How To Start
Zether SOLO (ZTH) Zether SOLO  + Ethash 41.78 GH/s 24 14.53 T $ 0.4612 (+0.00%)  How To Start
Bitnet Money SOLO (BTN) Bitnet Money SOLO  + Ethash 45.54 GH/s 19 7.3 T $0.075 (+1.65%)  How To Start
Larissa SOLO (LRS) Larissa SOLO  + Ethash 21.89 GH/s 15 4.96 T $0.017 (-1.54%)  How To Start
Kaspa SOLO (KAS) Kaspa SOLO kHeavyHash 3.06 PH/s 248 1.02 E $0.107 (+4.91%)  How To Start
Sedra SOLO (SDR) Sedra SOLO kHeavyHash 436.54 TH/s 121 3.22 P $ 0.466 (-1.48%)  How To Start
Bugna SOLO (BGA) Bugna SOLO kHeavyHash 184.66 TH/s 73 536.2 T $ 0.5287 (+0.00%)  How To Start
Alephium SOLO (ALPH) Alephium SOLO Blake3 378.66 TH/s 72 2.72 P $0.68 (+16.44%)  How To Start
Radiant SOLO (RXD) Radiant SOLO Sha512256D 9.67 TH/s 24 192.99 M $0.000361 (-5.63%)  How To Start
Nexa SOLO (NEXA) Nexa SOLO NexaPow 720.27 MH/s 2 152.67 K $ 0.5114 (-1.47%)  How To Start
Coin Pool Algorithm Pool Hashrate Miners Difficulty Coin Price Actions
Quai (QUAI) Quai ProgPoW 965.58 GH/s 1362 16.82 T $0.1 (+0.00%)  How To Start
Xelis (XEL) Xelis Xelishashv2 478.36 MH/s 1127 66.5 G $3.41 (-3.52%)  How To Start
Dynex (DNX) Dynex DynexSolve 3.28 MH/s 65 6.39 G $0.089 (+6.97%)  How To Start
Ergo (ERG) Ergo Autolykos2 189.04 GH/s 108 1.25 P $1.09 (+1.75%)  How To Start
Karlsen (KLS) Karlsen KarlsenhashV2 23.95 GH/s 93 273.09 G $0.000481 (-9.36%)  How To Start
Bitcoin Gold (BTG) Bitcoin Gold Equihash 144,5 36.86 KSol/s 56 70.96 K $4.43 (-7.93%)  How To Start
Firo (FIRO) Firo FiroPOW 4.77 GH/s 24 926 $1.27 (+1.80%)  How To Start
Clore (CLORE) Clore KAWPOW 157.42 GH/s 610 17.15 K $0.034 (-0.43%)  How To Start
Ravencoin (RVN) Ravencoin KAWPOW 54.7 GH/s 308 90.35 K $0.014 (+2.49%)  How To Start
Neurai (XNA) Neurai KAWPOW 18.9 GH/s 91 4.73 K $0.000371 (-0.19%)  How To Start
Neoxa (NEOX) Neoxa KAWPOW 4.79 GH/s 30 2.23 K $0.000361 (+1.38%)  How To Start
AI Power Grid (AIPG) AI Power Grid KAWPOW 12.41 GH/s 44 492 $0.0085 (-6.00%)  How To Start
Coin Pool Algorithm Pool Hashrate Miners Difficulty Coin Price Actions
Xelis SOLO (XEL) Xelis SOLO Xelishashv2 12.25 MH/s 33 66.5 G $3.41 (-3.52%)  How To Start
Ergo SOLO (ERG) Ergo SOLO Autolykos2 6.15 GH/s 3 1.25 P $1.09 (+1.75%)  How To Start
Karlsen SOLO (KLS) Karlsen SOLO KarlsenhashV2 2.62 GH/s 8 273.09 G $0.000481 (-9.36%)  How To Start
Bitcoin Gold SOLO (BTG) Bitcoin Gold SOLO Equihash 144,5 4.91 KSol/s 4 70.96 K $4.43 (-7.93%)  How To Start
Firo SOLO (FIRO) Firo SOLO FiroPOW 1.5 GH/s 3 926 $1.27 (+1.80%)  How To Start
Clore SOLO (CLORE) Clore SOLO KAWPOW 3.64 GH/s 9 17.15 K $0.034 (-0.43%)  How To Start
Ravencoin SOLO (RVN) Ravencoin SOLO KAWPOW 2.65 GH/s 16 90.35 K $0.014 (+2.49%)  How To Start
Neurai SOLO (XNA) Neurai SOLO KAWPOW 880.78 MH/s 6 4.73 K $0.000371 (-0.19%)  How To Start
Neoxa SOLO (NEOX) Neoxa SOLO KAWPOW 1.44 GH/s 4 2.23 K $0.000361 (+1.38%)  How To Start
AI Power Grid SOLO (AIPG) AI Power Grid SOLO KAWPOW 0 H/s 0 492 $0.0085 (-6.00%)  How To Start
Coin Pool Algorithm Pool Hashrate Miners Difficulty Coin Price Actions
Zephyr (ZEPH) Zephyr RandomX 737.26 KH/s 48 19.71 G $0.49 (+3.04%)  How To Start