BitcoinZ Solo Mining Pool

How To Start Mining BitcoinZ SOLO

Choose Mining Server

Location Difficulty Permanent Port
Europe  Europe 1
Europe HiDiff  Europe HiDiff 20

Step 1 - Register

Register or login to get your account address.
Anonymous mining not supported. Use Kr_WALLET inside your rig\asic settings. Kr_WALLET is internal k1pool wallet (similar to unique username).

Step 2 - Create a Wallet (BTCZ)

You could download the wallet with complete blockchain: official BitcoinZ Core or generate an address at a crypto exchange, for example Crex24 or Graviex.
After that enter your BTCZ address on Wallets page for payouts.

Step 3 - Download mining software

Quick start: Download ready to go package of the GPU Miners Software (zip password: k1pool).

For Nvidia and AMD GPU's we recommend GMiner.
You can get download links at Mining Software page.

Step 4 - Edit the bat file

If you have downloaded in previous step - replace Kr_WALLET with account address you got on Step 1.
If you want, you can change RIG_NAME in the bat file. Specify the name of the rig as you want it to be shown in miner's statistics page. This field is optional.
Length of RIG_NAME - 32 characters maximum. Use English letters, numbers and symbols "-" and "_".

Config for Gminer:

Hash Power Rental Services

Our pool works with Hash Power rental services and

Settings for

Custom pool name: K1Pool BTCZSOLO
Algorithm: ZHash
Stratum hostname or IP:
Port: 3075
Username: Kr_WALLET
Password: x

Settings for

Type: Equihash 144,5 (ZHash)
Pool Host:
Workername (-u): Kr_WALLET
Password (-p): x

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Please feel free to contact our support team if you have any questions